Academic Publications
“On the Possibility of Empiricism: A Critique of McDowellian Conceptualism,” M.A. Thesis, SFSU (2020) *revised draft (Ph.D. application sample essay)
Academic Presentations
“Perceptual Bias and Epistemic Blame,” Graduate Symposium, UC Santa Cruz (2024)
“Language and Personhood,” Research Workshop, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (2024)
Non-Academic Publications/Presentations
“북핵 관련 한미동맹 및 한반도 안보 현황과 미래,” 미주 한국일보 (Jan. 1, 2018)
“On Tolerance,” Count Wardal TV Show (Sept. 26, 2017)
The Dots, V2A Publisher (2014)
Unpublished Works-In-Progress
“The Puzzle of Motivated Reasoning”
“On the Application of Natural Goodness to Environmental Ethics”
“On the Principle of Causality and Brownian Intuition”
“On McDowell’s Criticism of Quinean Holism”
“Rationality, Equality, and Mental Disorders”